The continuous resin floorings are the best solutions every time there is the requirement to bring through the ease of use and a very pleasing look.
The coating systems developed and manufactured by Globalnavy for this proposes are easy to clean and to maintain and guarantee an adequate solution to their aesthetic requirements, anti-slipping, antimicrobial, among others.
Flooring ProductsFlooring ManualGN132EFSL ManualGN130EPSF Sys.Why choose a Globalnavy coating?
Globalnavy’s coatings have excellent aesthetics; impact, abrasion, chemical, microbiologic agent resistance and are easy to clean and to maintain.
Our technical staff is able to advise you on the best flooring system for your project.
We develop special primers:
⇒ GlobalDur GN112EP - Glazed and tile surfaces, hard concrete
⇒ GlobalDur GN114EP - Wet surfaces or Green concrete
Recommended Systems
GlobalFloor Smooth Systems
1. GN150EW – Water Based Epoxy System
2. GN120ER + GN132EFSL – Self-smoothing Epoxy System
3. GN120ER + GN236PUSL + GN200Series – Self-smoothing Polyurethane System
GlobalFloor Quartz Systems
1. GN120ER + GN132EFSL + Natural Quartz sprinkling + GN132EFSL – Multi-layer Epoxy "Natural Silica"
2. GN120ER + GN120ER + Colored Quartz sprinkling + GN120ER - Multi-layer Epoxy "Colored Quartz"
GlobalAM Antimicrobiological Systems
1. GN150EW + GN153EW + GN250AMPW – Water Based system
2. GN120ER + GN132EFSL + GN208AMPV – Self-smoothing Epoxy-Polyurethane System
GlobalFloor DecoStone Systems
1. GN120ER + “Natural Stones” Mortar GN120ER + GN207PV – “Natural Stones” Epoxy Mortar
2. GN120ER + “Colored Stones” Mortar GN120ER + GN207PV – “Colored Stones” Epoxy Mortar
GlobalFloor Terrazzo System
GN120ER + Aggregates Mortar GN136ET + GN136ET + GN208PV
GlobalFloor Sports Systems
1. GN450AW + GN452AW + GN452AW – Acrylic ECO System
2. GN150EW + GN250PW – ECO System
3. GN410AP + GN410AP – SB System
Contact Us
On how to select the right anti-corrosive coating system for your case.